An intensive 10-day summer course in journalism designed for both Czech and foreign students. The program is aimed at giving aspiring journalists real-world training that will help them pursue successful… Continue Reading »

The Mandela Washington Fellows are accomplished leaders who promote innovation and positive impact in their communities by honing their skills at a U.S. college or university supported by professional development… Continue Reading »

Know My World

A global education organization founded by teachers for teachers. It offers virtual exchange experiences and curriculum resources to support intercultural social and emotional learning between various countries and cultures.

A site with B&B listings in cities around the world where global travelers can stay in exchange for “barter wishes” i.e. a list of goods and services the host will… Continue Reading »

America the Bilingual

A podcast about language teaching, specifically for monolingual Americans who are learning a second languageor want to begin.

Youth for Understanding provides opportunities for youth, families and communities through study abroad and virtual exchange programs. Scholarships are available.

The ICenter for International Virtual Schooling seeks to implement the intercultural education program IVECA into all levels of schools across the world. See the Center’s Mission for more:

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