Broadens knowledge about former USSR and eastern Europe through multi- and inter-disciplinary programming for academic community, teachers, faculty at educational institutions, and general public.
A resource for research and scholarship in the field of Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies.
Educates university audiences, the K-14 community, the broader public and state agencies about Europe.
Promoting teaching and research on all aspects of international affairs, societies, and cultures around the world.
Promotes and supports inquiry into Europe related issues that engage scholars across disciplinary and collegiate borders.
Seeks to advance the study and understanding of European politics, economy, and societies.
International professional organization dedicated to advancing the scholarly study of the history, language, literature, and culture of Germany in the Americas.
Expands academic resources relating to Latin America and the Caribbean, providing a means to pursue research, enhance expertise, and knowledge on the region.
Provides resources for Columbia faculty, students and visiting scholars, while strengthening their links with Latin America.
For educators, promotes the study of all subject matter relating to Latin America at the K-12, community, and university levels.