The Stanford US-Russia Forums mission is to facilitate research and cooperation in areas of mutual interest to both the United States and Russia as well as link emerging scholars and… Continue Reading »
Russia in Global Affairs is an international platform for publication in English and Russian for individual and collective research in political science and materials discussing social, historical, economic, cultural, and… Continue Reading »
Path to Foreign Service helps applicants on their journey to become a Foreign Service Officer. It offers techniques, community, and resources to pass the multiple stages to become an FSO.
FSOT Prep is a website to not only help potential Foreign Service Officers pass their FSOT but also their QEP, FSOA and ultimately become an FSO themselves.
Foreign Policy’s special reports on foreign policy machines. Topics range from international security to addressing inequalities across the world.
The Russia File Podcast explores Russia: its history, politics, culture and society, and its relations with the surrounding countries, the United States and beyond. The podcast is hosted by Maxim… Continue Reading »
The Wilson Center offers part-time internship opportunities. Interns have the opportunity to develop both research and professional skills, and to participate in the numerous activities and events held at the… Continue Reading »
The United States-Japan Foundation supports US-Japan policy-related studies, initiatives and exchanges that help address issues of significant mutual concern to the United States and Japan. Funded policy projects are outlined… Continue Reading »
This blog is written by Sarah Novak, who recounts her adventures of working in the foreign service over the past ten years.
McLarty Associates is a private sector company that provides consultation in the field of international strategic advising and diplomacy. They are currently seeking interns and graduate fellows for people interested… Continue Reading »