The competition is for green business ideas. The ideas can be an innovation in renewable energy, a sustainable transition in the food chain, a mind shift in urban mobility, or… Continue Reading »
The SI Scholarship aims to develop future global leaders that will contribute to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and contribute to a positive and sustainable development in… Continue Reading »
The Energy Globe Award honors the best projects addressing environmental issues since 20 years
World Habitat Awards recognizes and highlights innovative, outstanding, and sometimes revolutionary housing ideas, projects, and programs from across the world.
The Grist Fellowship Program is a program at a national news outlet to deepen your understanding of environmental issues. The fellowship is for early-career journalists with an interest in environmental… Continue Reading »
This is a global platform for sharing experience and best practices on enabling policies, tailored financing, innovation in business models and technology as well as the cross-sectoral and socioeconomic significance… Continue Reading »
BOEM is taking public comment on a Notice of Intent (NOI) to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Mayflower Wind Energy project offshore Massachusetts.
Africa ClimAccelerator is the first Pan-African climate accelerator focused on supporting the most promising climate impact ideas and those who put the objective of enhancing sustainability at the forefront of… Continue Reading »
This opportunity is for young leaders that focus on reducing climate change in their own communities, countries, and the world at large.
This contest is looking for video entries that highlight resilience solutions to tackle the effects of climate change. The winning entries will be showcased on the Global Resilience Partnerships social… Continue Reading »