In a global economy, being internationally aware is a must. Here is how studying abroad can improve American leadership and increase business opportunities for the future.

EarthWatch Institute

The Earthwatch Institute engages people worldwide in scientific research and education to promote environmental sustainability. Its website offers K-12 educational materials available to teachers and students as well as fellowships… Continue Reading »

Culture Trip

Things to do, places to stay, new foods to eat, Culture Trip has all the guides and tips you will need before booking your next travel destination.

NWF offers many resources for K-12 educators. These resources involve teaching conservation and learning about wildlife. Professional development workshops are available, with results including turning American school grounds into NWF-certified… Continue Reading »

World Resources Institute

WRI provides materials such as PowerPoint slides, maps, and the Earth Trends database for high school teachers to turn their environmental ideas into action. Learn more about climate change, coastal… Continue Reading »

Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is a US environmental organization that produces publications on topics such as urban sprawl, clean water, logging, and environmental law. Currently, they are focused on climate change… Continue Reading »

PLT is an environmental education program for Pre-K-12 grades that is a part of the American Forest Foundation. It offers multi-disciplinary curricula aligned to state & national standards & teacher… Continue Reading »

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