Atlas Corps Fellowship

The Atlas Corps Fellowship is a 12-18 month Fellowship in the United States and online for the worlds top social change leaders. Fellows work with a host organization for leadership… Continue Reading »

The mission of the GEEP is to create a learning network designed to strengthen environmental education in countries across the world that lead to a more sustainable future.

The Foreign Desk

This podcast from Monocle magazine describes itself as keeping an eye and an ear on the world. It focuses on specific issues and more broad topics to provide a quick… Continue Reading »


A weekly podcast with leading humanitarians, foreign policy leaders, and innovators to understand how they think about and tackle global crises.

Femicide Watch Platform

A platform that provides high-quality information on the issue of femicide: the gender related killings of women and girls

Become an IRC volunteer to help mediate some of the world’s worst crises, delivering aid that saves lives while paving the way for long-term recovery.

Pod Save The World

This podcast breaks down international news and foreign policy developments. Co-host Tommy Vietor believes anyone can understand global issues and we all have the responsibility to try. New episodes every… Continue Reading »

A World Heritage Site is a landmark or area, selected by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for having cultural, historical, scientific or other form of significance,… Continue Reading »

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