Young Global Changers

A network of inspired, determined individuals committed to making the world a better place.

A site with B&B listings in cities around the world where global travelers can stay in exchange for “barter wishes” i.e. a list of goods and services the host will… Continue Reading »

Next Generation Leaders

The McCain Institute, through the Next Generation Leaders (NGL) program, identifies, trains, networks and empowers a diverse group of emerging leaders from the United States and around the world.Applications for… Continue Reading »

UN Dispatch

Commentary and coverage on the work and impact of the United Nations, with fact-check claims and coverage offered by pundits, journalists, bloggers, and others.

Global Dispatches

A podcast with high-level guests, shining spotlights on under-covered global issues and leaving listeners informed, inspired and more deeply engaged in the world around them.

The ICenter for International Virtual Schooling pursues to implement the intercultural education program IVECA into all levels of schools across the world. See the Center’s Mission for more:

The Institute for Economics and Peace is the worlds leading think tank dedicated to developing metrics to analyze peace and to quantify its economic value. This is done by developing… Continue Reading »

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