Center for Global Awareness

To provide globally-focused educational materials to people in the hopes that global connections will be made.

Education Beyond Borders

To provide educational support to the regionally disadvantaged around the world.

Flat Connections

An educational website that provides a platform for students to learn acruss borders rather than in an “up or down” hierarchy.


A virtual school breaking down global barriers for students to be able to discuss their different cultures and socialize.


platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.), working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, share and, in short, feel and… Continue Reading »

ISTE juried awards

Award for exceptional educators and leaders that recognizes their work in the area of connected learning.

AFS-USA Educators

AFS-USA provides resources for educators dedicated to developing intercultural and global competency in schools and communities.


A website to provide a platform of communication for teachers, students, and parents.

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