NORAM scholarships provide financial support for Americans to study or conduct research in areas of mutual importance to Norway and the United States to strengthen the ties of friendship between… Continue Reading »
Scholarship program for undergraduate and post graduate students worldwide seeking education opportunities abroad in Turkey.
This full time, fully-funded transatlantic fellowship opportunity in Budapest, Hungary for young American scholars (graduates) and professionals will run from September 2021 to July 2022.
The Jim Ovia Foundation in partnership with the Africa-America Institute is currently offering comprehensive scholarships to select high achieving students from Africa.
The University of Pretoria in partnership with the Mastercard foundation is currently offering scholarships for high achieving African students interested in studying at postgraduate levels, commencing in January 2022.
An all virtual conference dedicated to international education and exchange taking place June 1-4, 2021. Opportunities for networking, participating in learning sessions and workshops, and exchanging research findings.
The most popular articles published on about global education compiled into one convenient list in order to fuel a passion for global education. Organized into three sections: What and… Continue Reading »
This is a summary of myths from around the world, provided by TED Talks.
VACorps is a professional internship program based in Cape Town, South Africa. They offer internships in a variety of fields focused on high-level professional development and cultural engagement.
A new program funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture that attracts and prepares outstanding individuals for Foreign Service careers in the U.S. Department of Agricultures Animal and Plant Health… Continue Reading »