Grants to provide sustainable resources and materials for teachers with limited classroom budgets and demonstrated need in the Arabic classroom,
Nearly 4,000 photo panoramas and over 100 drone videos (virtual tours) of cities and places of ecological and historical wonder worldwide. Subscribe to their newsletter for updates on new material… Continue Reading »
Journeys in Film is about global education, with standard-based lesson plans to inspire and engage learners. Teachers learn to effectively integrate film into the core of teaching through professional development… Continue Reading »
Taking IT Global is one of the world’s leading networks of young people learning about, engaging with, and working towards tackling global challenges.
The Fulbright FLTA Program provides young teachers of English as a Foreign Language the opportunity to refine their teaching skills & broaden their knowledge of American customs while strengthening the… Continue Reading »
The decline of foreign language classes in the US damages the ability of future generations to adapt adequately in an ever-increasing globalized world. From low funding to teacher shortages, theses… Continue Reading »
There is no denying the zeitgeist that a golden age in the internationalisation of higher education has ended. Evidence suggests that the quality of our efforts have not matched the… Continue Reading »
Making the jump from tourist to transient local is tough in the space of a few months. But is that even the point?
The Blakemore Freeman Fellowships are awarded for one academic year of advanced level language study in East or Southeast Asia. Eligible languages are Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Burmese, Indonesian, Khmer, Thai,… Continue Reading »
The ICenter for International Virtual Schooling pursues to implement the intercultural education program IVECA into all levels of schools across the world. See the Center’s Mission for more: