The United States-Japan Foundation offers opportunities for financial support for projects that seek to enhance communication and mutual understanding between the American and Japanese people.
International Relations does not grant race and racism explanatory agency in its conventional analyses. This article seeks to remedy this oversight by acting as a catalyst for remembering, exposing, and… Continue Reading »
Freedom Surfer is a site focused on providing resources and services to location independent individuals. It features blog posts, country-specific articles, business registration information, guides and courses for individuals not… Continue Reading »
The World View Fellows Program is an intensive, interdisciplinary professional learning opportunity that deepens educators understanding of an issue related to global education. The program culminates in the creation of… Continue Reading »
World View provides access to courses developed by college teams participating in World Views N.C. Global Distinction program that infuse global content, context and connections. All modules on the site… Continue Reading »
21st Century Global Dynamics at UC Santa Barbara conducts research and provides teaching activities focused on globalization in the 21st century across many regions in the world.
This National Geographic clip captures birds-eye views of ancient Egyptian royal burial chambers.
This blog is aimed at giving visibility to African and Black writers rarely covered by the mainstream African media. The blog and related podcast cover literary news from across the… Continue Reading »
This search database is filled with scholarships for international students to study abroad or attend university in the United States.
This is an article with photos of beautiful places around the world to travel to.