Princeton in Latin America partners with NGOs and multilateral organizations and places highly qualified recent college graduates in year-long service fellowships with nonprofit, public service, humanitarian, and government organizations in… Continue Reading »

The GLOBE Program

The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program is an international science and education program that promotes environmental literacy and scientific discoveries.

Global Communities

Global Communities is an organization that works to improve the lives of impoverished people by providing communities with the education and skills they need to improve the future for themselves.

Kerning Cultures

Kerning Cultures is a pioneer, as the first Middle Eastern podcast company funded by venture capital. It provides listeners immersive stories in both English and Arabic.

The mission of the GEEP is to create a learning network designed to strengthen environmental education in countries across the world that lead to a more sustainable future.

ISA Scholarship Program

The International Sustainability Academy (ISA) offers up to 12 scholarships for an 8-month research stay in Hamburg, Germany, together with a further month of sponsorship in the participants home country…. Continue Reading »

Mozilla will place senior technology strategists as Fellows in the Global South within select organizations and coalitions that are foundational to the strength and capacity of regional civil society through… Continue Reading »

Become an IRC volunteer to help mediate some of the world’s worst crises, delivering aid that saves lives while paving the way for long-term recovery.


A weekly podcast with leading humanitarians, foreign policy leaders, and innovators to understand how they think about and tackle global crises.

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