Global Changemakers Grants awards projects working towards the Sustainable Development Goals in select states across the United States and Canada

UNESCO International Literacy Prizes have rewarded excellence and innovation in the field of literacy. UNESCO seeks to support effective literacy practices and encourages the promotion of dynamic literate societies.

The Waislitz Global Citizen Awards are annual cash prizes totaling $200,000 that recognize the excellence of individuals in their work to end extreme poverty.

AICPA Fellowship

The AICPA Fellowship ensures that CPAs of diverse backgrounds are visible in college and university classrooms. The program’s goal is to increase the number of minority CPAs who serve as… Continue Reading »

The award recognizes individuals and institutions which have made outstanding contributions to urban development including improving the quality of urban life for all and the provision of adequate, affordable, and… Continue Reading »

Roberta Anna Scholarship

The Roberta Annan Scholarship was created to support the best emerging young fashion communication, business, and media talent from Sub-Saharan Africa, providing financial support for their higher education

The EatSafe Innovation Challenge is calling on innovators to share their ideas on how existing food safety innovations can be adapted and applied in traditional markets in Nigeria and Ethiopia.

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