
Gapminder is a non-profit site promoting sustainable global development of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals by increasing use and understanding of statistics about social, economic and environmental issues.

My Life is Elsewhere

A collaborative site that allows you to compare and contrast the country you live in with other countries around the world. Shows various statistics, including cost of living, geographic size,… Continue Reading »

Vintage Maps

National Geographic has compiled a digital archive of its entire editorial cartography collection: every map ever published in the magazine since the first issue in 1888. The collection is brimming… Continue Reading »

This video shows different statistics of what the population of Earth would be like if it were only populated by 100 people.


The UNdata site has country, regional, and world profiles containing statistical information, and it has multiple global databases.


The Cultural Detective site is full of intercultural teaching and learning resources available to you if you make an account.

Tanenbaums curricula for schools and after school programs bring multiculturalism into the classroom through academics. Students learn to approach the world with an attitude of respectful curiosity and open-mindedness that… Continue Reading »

Smithsonian Science for Global Goals project has new freely available community research guides which use the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework to focus on sustainable actions… Continue Reading »


KnowTheChain is a resource for companies & investors to understand & address forced labor risks within their global supply chains. By benchmarking current corporate practices & providing practical resources, it… Continue Reading »

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