TheWe the StudentsEssay Contests requires high school age students to write an essay responding to a prompt surrounding citizenship and civic duty.

TheGeoChallengeis an annual themed and standards-based competition from the National Geographic Society that challenges student groups in grades 5-8 across the US to develop a creative solution to a real-world… Continue Reading »

Semester Incubator

At the Semester Incubator, college students & recent graduates with an early-stage social venture or project can complete their Watson experience through study abroad opportunities, a gap semester before attending… Continue Reading »

Millennium Fellowship

The Millenium Fellowship is a semester-long leadership development program on your campus. Each selected campus hub will typically have 8-20 Millennium Fellows working on a project advancing at least one… Continue Reading »

IREX is seeking Ma3an Youth Leaders to contribute to positive change in Tunisian communities. Ma3an Youth Leaders will improve leadership skills, providing other youth in these communities with peer support,… Continue Reading »

The Advocates for Human Rights is a non-profit organization that works to provide legal services to refugees and asylum seekers of low-income. Its goal is to create lasting change in… Continue Reading »

In a global economy, being internationally aware is a must. Here is how studying abroad can improve American leadership and increase business opportunities for the future.

RISC Toolkit

This database was developed to find out how students’ attitudes towards global citizenship can change. It is an enhancement of “How Do We Know It’s Working?”, a toolkit for measuring… Continue Reading »

World Resources Institute

WRI provides materials such as PowerPoint slides, maps, and the Earth Trends database for high school teachers to turn their environmental ideas into action. Learn more about climate change, coastal… Continue Reading »

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