Happy Wanderings

The author of this blog recounts her international adventures alongside her husband. She holds a Masters in International Relations, and has expertise in, ‘research, public policy, data analysis, business intelligence,… Continue Reading »

This Foreign Life

The writer of this blog hopes that it ‘can be a resource to the next person looking at life in the U.S. Foreign Service or moving to Bogot, Guadalajara.’

Healthy Expat Parent

The Healthy Expat Parent is a resource for families and parents in transition. Some of the common issues all parents face can be amplified when a family moves overseas or… Continue Reading »


This blog is written by Sarah Novak, who recounts her adventures of working in the foreign service over the past ten years.

Beyond Kimchi

This blog is a good resource for anyone interested in global cuisine.

According to Athena

This blog chronicles the stories of and travel advice of a family in the Foreign Service currently serving in Namibia, previously in Oman and Bangladesh.

Freedom Surfer

Freedom Surfer is a site focused on providing resources and services to location independent individuals. It features blog posts, country-specific articles, business registration information, guides and courses for individuals not… Continue Reading »

Lunch Ticket

Lunch Ticket is a literary and art journal that publishes articles on conversations about social justice and community activism. It strives to provide education to empower students to lead meaningful… Continue Reading »

The Bagus NG

The Bagus NG is a literary platform dedicated to promoting African literature and the arts and bringing awareness to the work of African authors and artists.

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