The author of this blog recounts her international adventures alongside her husband. She holds a Masters in International Relations, and has expertise in, ‘research, public policy, data analysis, business intelligence,… Continue Reading »
The writer of this blog hopes that it ‘can be a resource to the next person looking at life in the U.S. Foreign Service or moving to Bogot, Guadalajara.’
The Healthy Expat Parent is a resource for families and parents in transition. Some of the common issues all parents face can be amplified when a family moves overseas or… Continue Reading »
This blog is written by Sarah Novak, who recounts her adventures of working in the foreign service over the past ten years.
This blog is a good resource for anyone interested in global cuisine.
This blog chronicles the stories of and travel advice of a family in the Foreign Service currently serving in Namibia, previously in Oman and Bangladesh.
Freedom Surfer is a site focused on providing resources and services to location independent individuals. It features blog posts, country-specific articles, business registration information, guides and courses for individuals not… Continue Reading »
Lunch Ticket is a literary and art journal that publishes articles on conversations about social justice and community activism. It strives to provide education to empower students to lead meaningful… Continue Reading »
This blog is aimed at giving visibility to African and Black writers rarely covered by the mainstream African media. The blog and related podcast cover literary news from across the… Continue Reading »
The Bagus NG is a literary platform dedicated to promoting African literature and the arts and bringing awareness to the work of African authors and artists.