NUKEMAP is a free, interactive simulation of a nuclear weapon detonation. Choose a weapon and location to see the estimated impact of a detonation.


Mondly is a company that offers a freemium language learning platform which includes a website and apps with free and paid courses for 33 languages.


Memrise is a language-learning platform that uses spaced repetition of flashcards and offers courses in 16 languages.

Global Math Project

The Global Math Project is a worldwide movement committed to inspiring educators everywhere to ignite and sustain in their students a love for learning mathematics.

Unplastify the Ocean

Unplastify the Ocean is an initiative to try and remove plastics that pollute and destroy the ocean by re-designing operations and inspiring behavioral changes to avoid single-use plastic.

Rock Your World

Rock Your World inspires students to ask bold questions about the challenges they see in their neighborhoods, communities and the world around them and then engages them in the development… Continue Reading »

Global School Program

The Global Schools Program develops the tools, resources, and programs to support education systems around the world in shaping a more resilient and sustainable world.

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