What in the World (WITW)? makes global issues understandable and relevant to ordinary American people. Explained by expert women and people of color, we break down current and past foreign… Continue Reading »


An organization dedicated to creating a more equitable world by respectfully disrupting inequitable systems and practices through innovative educational training, guided community discussion, personal development and resources.

Gift of the Givers

The largest disaster response non-governmental organization of African origin on the African continent. They seek to bring hope and restore dignity to the most vulnerable.

A new digital platform that integrates data, policies, and resources about DACA and undocumented, other immigrant, international, and refugee students to support a diverse movement of partners and stakeholders advocating… Continue Reading »

Across Culture

An organization dedicated to to equipping individuals and organisations with the skills and knowledge needed for a multicultural workforce to function with a common purpose.

Sensory City

An organization striving to provide Sensory-friendly hotels, resorts, and places to autistic children with their sensory friendly tools.

A coalition of six non-governmental organizations that have come together to advocate for placing destination needs at the center of tourism.

Fluent Forever

A language-learning app based on the principles of personalized flashcard creation and spaced repetition.

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