The Fonds de Recherche du Quebec in Canada, offers the Government of Rwanda ten full scholarships at Masters and Ph.D. levels in the areas of Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence… Continue Reading »
The Organizing for Progress organization has launched its first Community Organizing Summer Fellowship. They are offering a cost-free community organizing fellowship program to train a new generation of progressive organizers… Continue Reading »
This podcast highlights the study abroad stories of Black/African American students and individuals of color. They cover numerous topics including how these travelers overcame fears, confronting their identity abroad, and… Continue Reading »
This CDC page provides content to promote HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and anti-stigma messaging to your social media audiences.
The World Vision International team in Mauritation works with communities to address the roots of vulnerability and injustice.
USIU-Africa partners with the Mastercard Foundation to offer academically talented youth from Africa facing financial, displacement, or disability constraints an opportunity to access world-class university education.
This ambassador program aims to advance innovations for sustainability and prosperity for the island, rural and remote regions worldwide.Deadline: December 12, 2020
ALX is an organization and educational program dedicated to developing career-oriented and professional development skills.
This is the Instagram account of an author named Fran Hauser whose social media page features books that she’s passionate about.
This is a Kenyan NGO is dedicated to eliminating cervical cancer and is assisted by the WHO Strategy on elimination.