A fellowship opportunity for students from the Middle East offered by the Middle East Studies Association of North America, Inc.
An article about the financial impact of mobility flows of international students.
A scholarship allowing selected U.S students to participate in year-long storytelling programs.The 2020-2021 Competition is now closed.
This organization assists local and international students by giving resources such as university listings, insurance providers and travel agents.
A network of inspired, determined individuals committed to making the world a better place.
Youth for Understanding provides opportunities for youth, families and communities through study abroad and virtual exchange programs. Scholarships are available.
The Fulbright FLTA Program provides young teachers of English as a Foreign Language the opportunity to refine their teaching skills & broaden their knowledge of American customs while strengthening the… Continue Reading »
The decline of foreign language classes in the US damages the ability of future generations to adapt adequately in an ever-increasing globalized world. From low funding to teacher shortages, theses… Continue Reading »
Making the jump from tourist to transient local is tough in the space of a few months. But is that even the point?
The ICenter for International Virtual Schooling seeks to implement the intercultural education program IVECA into all levels of schools across the world. See the Center’s Mission for more: http://website.iveca.org/our-mission/