“…this Atlas for the End of the World audits the status of land use and urbanization in the most critically endangered bioregions on Earth.”

Center for Global Education

This resource seeks to bring together educational institutes to be able to educate all students for employability and citizenship in a global era.

Center for Global Awareness

To provide globally-focused educational materials to people in the hopes that global connections will be made.

Flat Connections

An educational website that provides a platform for students to learn acruss borders rather than in an “up or down” hierarchy.

Global EDGE

Global EDGE offers a wide range of information and knowledge about international business/trade for international business professionals, instructors, and students.


A website to provide a platform of communication for teachers, students, and parents.


platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.), working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, share and, in short, feel and… Continue Reading »

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