Annual Diversity Abroad Conference

MA, United States

600+ education professionals, student leaders, employers, and leading graduate programs will meet to chart a path forward to reach a shared vision: to ensure equitable access to global educational opportunities.


International Day of Non-Violence

The UN designated this international day  to spread the message of non-violence through education and public awareness to secure a culture of peace, tolerance and understanding.

NAFSA Region III Conference

AR, United States

The world's largest nonprofit association dedicated to international education and exchange, working to advance policies and practices that ensure a more interconnected, peaceful world today and for generations to come.... Continue Reading »


World Teachers Day

This World Day commemorates the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966  Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers and has become the occasion to mark progress and reflect on the... Continue Reading »


World Post Day

This World Day was declared by the 1969 Universal Postal Congress in Tokyo as a means to mark the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union's (UPU) creation in 1874. Its purpose is... Continue Reading »

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