This International Day is a call to action for us to take care of Mother Nature. Climate change and man-mad changes are having a hugely negative effect on our planet... Continue Reading »
Citizen Diplomacy International (CDI) is a program building inclusive learning communities to bolster participation in democracy and diplomacy. CDI gathers every 3 months to share news and presentations on CD... Continue Reading »
The United Nations has designated this international observance in order bring attention to the threat to human health and economies that food hazards and food borne illnesses pose, especially to... Continue Reading »
This universally recognized World Day recognizes the contributions of millions of migrants to improve the lives of their family members back home and create a better future for their children.... Continue Reading »
This day is celebrated in recognition of the contributions of these enterprises in local and global economies and the key role they play in developing countries. Micro-, Small, and Medium... Continue Reading »
The region of the Tropics is responsible for 80 percent of the world's biodiversity as well as much of its language and cultural diversity. This international day is recognized to... Continue Reading »