World Migratory Bird Day

People around the world today celebrate World Migratory Bird Day, which is  dedicated to raising awareness of migratory birds and the need for international cooperation to conserve them.

This day is designated as a result of the recognition of the United Nations that hazardous chemicals and airs, water, and soil pollution and contamination is a global health issue… Continue Reading »

This day is designated as a result of the recognition of the United Nations that hazardous chemicals and airs, water, and soil pollution and contamination is a global health issue… Continue Reading »

This day is designated as a result of the recognition of the United Nations that hazardous chemicals and airs, water, and soil pollution and contamination is a global health issue… Continue Reading »

This day is designated as a result of the recognition of the United Nations that hazardous chemicals and airs, water, and soil pollution and contamination is a global health issue… Continue Reading »

This day is designated as a result of the recognition of the United Nations that hazardous chemicals and airs, water, and soil pollution and contamination is a global health issue… Continue Reading »

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